Hydroponics Clay Pebbles
Expanded Clay Aggregate is commonly called Hydroponics Clay
Pebbles or Clay pellets or Clay Balls or Clay Pebbles Grow Media in the world
of Hydroponics and Aquaponics. Recently Hydroponics companies in India have
started using Hydroponics clay pebbles in their projects as the most preferred
hydroponic grow media. The ample pore space of Clay pellets ensures proper
water flow with no clogs or blockages, and it can hold plenty of air bubbles,
which helps keep the root zones of most plants aerated and oxygenated.
Expanded Clay Pebbles Growing Medium Hydroponics method is
also very affordable and can be reused repeatedly, with no need to discard the
material. And because it's a loose growing medium for hydroponics, compared to
crushed granite or pea gravel, it's easy to harvest plants, which can save
large-scale hydroponics and aquaponics producers quite a bit of time and money.
The expanded Clay Pebbles Grow media Hydroponics method is
appropriate for both media bed and Dutch bucket techniques. For 1st time in
India, Expanded Clay Pebbles is manufactured and if you are a hydroponics
retailer or supplier in India and interested in using Hydroponics clay pebbles for
your next hydroponics project, get in touch with us online right away.
Many hydroponics companies in India have a track record of
using the Hydroponics clay pebbles technique adopting Expanded Clay Aggregate
in their project and are seeing excellent results.
Hydroponics is a subset of hydroculture, the method of
growing plants without soil using Hydroponics clay pebbles using mineral
nutrient solutions in a water solvent. Terrestrial plants may be grown with
only their roots exposed to the mineral solution, or the roots may be supported
by an inert medium like Expanded Clay Aggregate (ECA®). The nutrients in
hydroponics can come from an array of different sources like e.g., these can
include but are not limited to by-products from fish waste, duck manure, or regular
While adopting Clay Pebbles Hydroponics methodology, the clay
pebbles grow media are used as a direct replacement for soil, mainly in
hydroculture and hydroponic systems. Hydroponic cultivation with clay pebbles
grow media is what is called a closed system. Expanded Clay Aggregate ( ECA® )
has a safe pH, is not compactable, and is reusable, making the product highly
recommended and good for the environment.
These clay pellets allow the system to be stable in form and
structure while absorbing excess liquid. Another great advantage of clay
pellets in this system is that it is very light and easy to manage.
Baked clay pellets are also known as Expanded Clay balls and
are suitable for hydroponic systems in which all nutrients are carefully
controlled in water solution. The clay pellets are inert, pH neutral, and do
not contain any nutrient value.
Expanded clay pebbles formed into round pellets and fired in
rotary kilns at 1,200 °C (2,190 °F). This causes the clay to expand, like
popcorn, and become porous. It is light in weight and does not compact over
time. The shape of an individual pellet can be irregular or uniform depending
on the manufacturing process. Expanded Clay Pebbles is an inert, ecologically
sustainable, and reusable growing medium because of their ability to be
cleaned and sterilized, typically by washing in solutions of white vinegar,
chlorine bleach, or hydrogen peroxide rinsing thoroughly.
How to use Hydroponic
Clay Pebbles - Benefits in Hydroponics and Aquaponics:
- These porous expanded clay pebbles absorb moisture and allow for fantastic drainage of water from the plant's roots. Not only do they absorb moisture, but they'll also absorb any nutrient solution you choose to add.
- The pores in the clay pebbles, the space between them, and
their superior drainage function keep air circulating, so roots get plenty of
- They can last a long time. Just wash and reuse as many times as you need. You do not have to worry about losing nutrients through numerous washes because there aren't any, to begin with. If they lose their usefulness, you can add them to the soil of your outdoor gardens to increase aeration and organic content.
- Clay pellets are pH neutral and rather inhospitable to
- You can crush Expanded clay pebbles to increase water
retention for use in the germination stage of growing. ( We also supply Crushed
Expanded clay pebbles )
- Clay pellets are inexpensive since they are cheap to make
and can save you money reusing them over the years.
- Clay Pebbles is also sometimes called Hydroton clay pebbles, aqua clay pebbles, ECA® clay pebbles, light expanded clay aggregate (ECA®), or simple clay. It resembles brown pebbles. This Hydroponics clay pebbles grow medium can be rinsed and reused, making it a popular, economical choice. Clay pebbles are often paired with net pots or mesh pots, which hold the medium neatly in the system.
Many of the uses of clay pebbles include: Using clay pebbles on
top of the soil, using expanded clay pebbles for orchids, using clay pebbles as
mulch, growing orchids in expanded clay pebbles, using clay pebbles as rootzone
for specific crushed sizes, using clay pebbles as the drainage layer for rounds
of 8-15 mm and 15-30 mm to facilitate proper drainage.
If you are a hydroponics retailer or supplier in India interested
in using expanded clay pebbles, Get A Sample Today Or Enquire Further Today!
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