Urban Tree

It is important to identify and utilize the correct soil that meets specific cultural needs of an urban tree species when planting a tree from an urban tree farm nursery in a location where the native soil will not support plant growth. The main focus is urban tree management post the growth of a selected urban tree species. Expanded Clay Aggregate or ECA® dramatically changes the structure of any soil it’s added to. The clay product is blended with other growing mediums, such as soil, compost, and peat, to improve drainage, retention of water, provide insulation for roots during cold and hot weather, and to increase oxygen levels within the soil. Expanded Clay Aggregate (ECA®) is 100% inert and also eco-friendly and helps filter harmful constituents from the soil.

Urban Trees are great for the urban environment, it increases human value. Expanded Clay Aggregate (ECA®) material and a selected soil are blended to produce a structured soil for urban trees. The structured soil mix of Expanded Clay Aggregate (ECA®) promotes the establishment of expanding root system, makes available more air, pore space, and a lush green development.

The mixture of lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate or ECA®with soil and compost offers better drainage and heightened stability alongside improved access of oxygen and water to the tree’s root system. The added organic matter provides all the components necessary for the tree to prosper.

Urban tree soil mixture with Expanded Clay Aggregate (ECA®) is mainly used in urban areas where there is little to no access to quality topsoil. Typical uses are concrete tree pits, central islands, and many other applications.

ECA® Filling Technique for Urban Tree Plantation
Top Layer

20 % of total volume, Fill up with Expanded Clay Aggregate (ECA®) (8-15 mm) on the top as a dressing layer/ thermal insulation layer.

Middle Layer

60 %  of total volume, Mix with an equal portion of  Expanded Clay Aggregate (ECA®) (2-8 mm) + Normal Soil + Compost. Plantation will be done in this root zone layer. 

Bottom Layer

20 % of total volume, Fill up with Expanded Clay Aggregate (ECA®) (8-15 mm) as drainage layer...

Keywords: Urban tree, urban tree farm nursery, urban tree management, Soil