Soilless Media & Soilless Substrate or Soilless Substrate Clay
Soilless Media & Soilless Substrate or Soilless Substrate Clay
Soilless growing media have in the recent past become popular due to the multiple benefits they offer including growing media for hydroponics. But before we delve into the various soilless growing media, let’s first focus on soilless media definition.
What is Soilless Media?
The simplest soilless media definition is a single or mix of sterile substances used to grow plants without soil. Soilless growth media are considered sterile since they do not contain fungi or bacteria.
Types of Soilless Growing Media
There are several types of soilless growing media available for gardeners. Each of these media has its pros and cons. One of the most popular growing media is expanded clay aggregate. It is also well-preferred across the globe as a growing media for hydroponics.
Expanded Clay Aggregate
These are round clay pebbles commonly used in hydroponics and container gardening as a layer of the substrate. To make these clay pebbles, pieces of clay are fired in a kiln, causing the material to expand. This is why these clay pebbles are often referred to as expanded clay pebbles, expanded clay pellets, expanded clay aggregate, or expanded clay balls.
Expanded clay pellets are popular among growers because they are organic. You may also find growers combining expanded clay balls as a base layer with other soilless growing media. They do this because expanded clay pebbles offer excellent drainage compared to other soilless growing media.
Soilless Substrate Clay Compared to Other Soilless Growing Media
Using soilless substrate clay on its own or as a mix of soilless growing substrates offers several gardening advantages. The primary benefit of using soilless substrate clay is that it retains moisture effectively. This is important for growers since it maximizes the efficiency of the available water.
Another benefit of using soilless substrate clay in container gardening or as a soilless hydroponic growth media is that the pebbles are lightweight and porous, thus increasing aeration. One of the significant reasons why soilless substrate clay is a popular soilless hydroponic growth media is that it improves drainage. Another benefit, which is also offered by other soilless growing media, is support for the plant's root system.
What is Soilless Planting
Before discussing how to grow soilless plants or what is soilless planting, it is important that you first decide which soilless growing method you will use. As we stated earlier, soilless substrate clay works perfectly as soilless hydroponic media or soilless potting media.
How to Grow Soilless Plants in Hydroponics
In hydroponics, all the nutrients required by the plant are supplied using water mixed with nutrient solutions. The clay pebbles or other types of soilless hydroponic media only offer support to the roots. However, the soilless hydroponic media plays an essential role in facilitating aeration and ensuring the roots have full access to the nutrients. Other soilless hydroponic media include perlite, sand, gravel, and peat moss.
How to Grow Soilless Plants in Container Gardening
Growing plants using soilless potting media completely excludes the use of soil. Instead, gardeners use various soilless growing substrates as soilless potting media. Expanded clay pellets are one of the most commonly used soilless potting media.
The reason why clay pellets are preferred to other soilless growing substrates in container gardening is because of their texture. They retain moisture and improve aeration hence making them an excellent choice for soilless potting media.
Where to Find More Information on How to Grow Soilless Plants
If you are interested in learning how to use soilless potting mix or how to do soilless gardening, browse our website. You can also do an online search for more information on how to use soilless potting mix and how to do soilless gardening. Also, there are numerous articles and journals published explaining how to grow soilless plants and more about soilless potting media.
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