Expanded Clay Aggregate ( ECA ® )

expanded clay aggregate, lightweight expanded clay aggregate, Clay Aggregate, suppliers, manufacturers, India

Expanded Clay Aggregate, ECA ® is a round pellet structure produced by firing natural clay at a temperature of 1200°C. The result is a hard, honeycombed structure of interconnecting voids within the aggregate. The particles formed are round in shape and generally range in size from 0-30 mm. These are processed to the required grading, depending on the versatile applications. When the inter-granular voids (voids connecting with one another) are immersed in water they immediately become saturated. The intra-granular pores (Voids within each aggregate) only fill slowly with the water by capillary action and some of them will never become saturated. This results in excellent drainage capacity property of Expanded Clay Aggregate (ECA ®) due to the network of intergranular pores whilst intra-granular pores help for water absorption.

European Standard EN 13055-2 signifies the coefficient of water absorption of Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate ECA ® by immersion of dry clay aggregate in water for 24 hours. Comparison of its weight before and after test (post drainage) gives the quantity of water that has been absorbed by the granules (results vary depending on the grain sizes of 0-30 mm).

The Expanded Clay Aggregate also known as ECA ® - Lightweight expanded clay aggregate have a lightweight internal cellular structure with good insulating properties which is enclosed within a compact and strong external shell which provides an excellent weight-strength ratio making the aggregate absolutely suitable for versatile applications including major use in Landscaping, Geotechnical, Construction and Infrastructure applications.

ECA ® is offered by our group as the only manufacturer in India - a product that is 100% inert, vitrified, dimensionally stable material whose volume remains unchanged in contact with water. ECA ® is reusable and recyclable. Expanded Clay Aggregate (ECA ®) being a frost and fire-resistant material is also a thermally insulating and sound absorbent product. Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate (ECA ®) is the only lightweight aggregate certified for geotechnical uses and is marked compliant with EN 15732 (Lightweight fill and thermal insulation products for civil engineering applications (CEA) by CE).

Versatile Applications of Expanded Clay Aggregate - ECA ®

Online video link for reference: Click here to watch the video

Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate – ECA ® is a 'green' building material that helps in a green building practice for its design, construction, or operation, reduces or eliminates negative impacts, and can create positive results on our climate and natural environment.

Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate - ECA ®  is a Lightweight green construction material that is inert, non-toxic in nature, ethical, and a sustainable aggregate also offering thermal insulation by low thermal conductivity coefficient as low as 0.097 W/mK, excellent soundproofing benefits by high acoustic insulation, excellent moisture impermeability, being incompressible under permanent pressure and gravity loads, resistant to decomposing under severe conditions, fire-resistant, having a pH of nearly 7, offering to freeze and melting resistance, offering ease of movement and transportation, ideal aggregate for lightweight backfill and finishing projects, and further offering reduction of dead construction load and lateral earthquake loads in seismic zones.

ECA® is also a green aggregate considered a perfect sweet soil for plants and used as a material for drainage and filtration.

Landscaping Roof Terrace Gardens, Planters, Vertical Garden, Turfs, Sports Fields, Agriculture, Horticulture, Hydroponics, Urban Trees, and the like. Construction Blocks, Wall panels, RCC, PCC, Aggregate Mortar & Roof Tiles for Sound and Thermal Insulation, Plastering, Flooring, Backfill, and Drainage use. Filler material for Sound Transmission Class (STC applications).

Lightweight High Strength Structural Concrete, Designer Concrete applications, Acoustic Panels, Cladding Stones, Cladding Panels, Coatings, Paints, Precast and Prefab Industries, Thermal and Sound Insulation Concrete and Mortars, Landscaping, Agriculture, Horticulture, Construction Blocks and Tiles, Plastering, PCC, Waste Water Treatment, Petrochemicals Oil and Gas Bedding Insulations, Geotechnical applications including lightweight backfill, Sunken Fill and Road/ Embankment Construction. The versatile application of Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate in Geotechnical field includes the construction of embankments/fills, Lightened embankments, Bridges abutments and alignment ramps, Embankments on landfill, Embankments on potentially unstable slopes, Containment structures ( Retaining Walls, Piers, and waterfronts ), Foundations of buildings, Fill for underground structures, Buried tanks and pipes, Fill for below-ground cavities, water management including infiltration reservoirs, drainage, and green roofs, Road construction, Landscaping, Landing beds and roofs for rockfall protection, lightweight structural and non-structural concrete and the like.

Sizes 0-30 mm ( Round: 0-1mm, 1-4mm, 2-8mm, 8-15mm, 15-30mm, Crushed: 0-1mm, 1-4mm, 2-8mm, High Density Crushed: 2-8mm )
Bulk Density 240 to 880 kg/m3
Cylinderical Compressive Strength 0.6 to 3.0 N/mm2
Dry Thermal Conductivity 0.09 to 0.10 W/mk
Surface Alkalinity Neutral pH
Water Absorption 18 to 23 % of size
Types Rounds and Crushed


Light expanded clay, construction aggregate, eca, leca, manufacturer, supplier, India, building mate Product Benefit Image

100 % Inert

Light expanded clay, construction aggregates, eca, leca, manufacturer, supplier, India, building mat Product Benefit Image

Light in Weight

Reduction of 40-50% Load

Light expanded clay, construction aggregate, eca, leca, manufacturer, supplier, India, building mate Product Benefit Image

High Compressive Strength

Cylinder Compressive Strength 0.6 to 3.0 N/mm2

Light expanded clay, construction aggregate, eca, leca, manufacturer, suppliers, India, building mat Product Benefit Image

Micro Porous Structure

Aids Better Aeration

Lightweight expanded clay, construction aggregates, eca, leca, manufacturer, supplier, India, buildi Product Benefit Image

Non-Toxic & Eco- Friendly

Green Material, 100% Eco-Friendly and Sustainable

Lightweight expanded clay, green construction aggregates, eca, leca, manufacturer, India, building m Product Benefit Image

Good Water Absorption

18 to 23 % of size

Light expanded clay, green construction aggregates, eca, leca, manufacturer, India, building materia Product Benefit Image

Good Water Drainage

Excellent Drainage Property

Light expanded clay, green construction, aggregates, eca, leca, manufacturer, India, building materi Product Benefit Image

Surface Alkalinity

Neutral pH

Light expanded clay, construction aggregate, eca, leca, manufacturer, supplier, India, building mate Product Benefit Image

Excellent Thermal Insulation

Thermal Conductivity 0.097 to 0.10 W/mK

Lightweight expanded clay, construction aggregates, eca, leca, manufacturer, supplier, India, buildi Product Benefit Image

Excellent Sound Insulation

Excellent Acoustic Insulation Property

Light expanded clay, construction aggregates, eca, leca, manufacturer, supplier, India, building mat Product Benefit Image


Prevents Dengue and Malaria

Light expanded clay, construction aggregate, eca, leca, manufacturer, supplier, India, building mate Product Benefit Image

Low-Coefficient of Thermal Expansion

Light expanded clay, construction aggregated, eca, leca, manufacturer, suppliers, India, building ma Product Benefit Image

Excellent Fire Resistance

1 to 6 hrs - 9 to 19 cm LAC 1100 kg/m³

Lightweight expanded clay, construction aggregates, eca, leca, manufacturer, supplier, India, buildi Product Benefit Image

Earthquake Resistant


Light expanded clay, green construction aggregates, eca, leca, manufacturer, India, building materia Product Benefit Image

Excellent Filtration Media

Unique structure suited to filter water

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