
Why is eca or expanded clay aggregate a preferred aggregate for precast structures and elements?

Why is eca or expanded clay aggregate a preferred aggregate for precast structures and elements?

When manufacturing precast structures and building elements, such as support beams, columns, floors, stairs, roofs and other such elements, Expanded Clay Aggregate (ECA ®) can be used to create lightweight, strong, and robust elements that can be transported to your job site for a low cost.

This is because ECA ® is much lighter, by weight than other concrete aggregates, due to its unique, honeycombed structure which contains many tiny air pockets. However, it does not reduce the strength of structural concrete when added as an aggregate, so it can dramatically improve the strength-to-weight ratio of precast concrete structures and elements. Among other properties, concrete with ECA ® is also is highly insulative, reflects sound, and is fire-resistant.