Expanded Clay Aggregate (ECA®) blocks and panels are best used to create stunning partition materials in domestic, industrial or commercial buildings.
Many a times, we need to hide plastered wall. using Expanded Clay Aggregate, partition wall can be build and can be nicely painted or decorated to hide the plastered wall. Expanded Clay Aggregate (ECA®) accepts paint directly, with a very smooth paint-grade and provides smooth faced finish. Expanded Clay Aggregate (ECA®) can also be used for texturing. Expanded Clay Aggregate (ECA®) works as a sound absorber and reduce noise or disturbance from outside.
Similarly, Expanded Clay Aggregate (ECA®) is also used in the false ceiling which can also be painted and decorated. Expanded Clay Aggregate is very light in weight and thus reduce the load of the building. The Expanded Clay Aggregate (ECA®) works as a thermal insulator and prevents heat to keep the room temperature cool.
Expanded Clay Aggregate (ECA®) can also be used as flooring material to create designer floors. With additional benefits like termite proof, fire resistance and eco-friendly, Expanded Clay Aggregate (ECA®) provides good finish to the floor.
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